Week of March 22
Monday, March 22
12:00pm Not Done: Women Remaking America
Chart the last five years of the women's movement and its re-energized, intersectional fight for equality. Activists, journalists, entertainers, athletes and politicians report from the frontlines of the feminist tidal wave.
Watch the show here:
https://www.pbs.org/video/not-done-women-remaking-america-46xqjh/ (Passport Required)
Tuesday, March 23
12:00pm American Masters: Unladylike 2020
Explore the stories of pioneering women in American politics who advocated for suffrage and civil rights over 100 years ago, including the first women in the U.S. Congress and State Senate, and a co-founder of the NAACP.
Watch the show here:
https://www.pbs.org/video/unladylike2020-c8uw7u/ (Passport Required)
1:00pm By One Vote: Woman Suffrage in the South
When Tennessee legislator Harry T. Burn followed his mother's advice and cast his fateful vote to ratify the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, he ensured the state would forever be associated with bestowing the right to vote, a fundamental civil right, on U.S. women. But the short story of this vote belies the irony of this state and region's late and reluctant participation in the suffrage effort. The full story of Burn's vote and the Southern suffrage movement is one of compromises, abandoned ideals and promises broken; as well as deep racial and gender divisions in the struggle for political power. Tennessee's suffrage journey is part of the long aftermath of the Civil War in which women were no longer satisfied to be spectators in political processes nor to be relegated to second-class citizenship. By One Vote: Woman Suffrage in the South examines the tactics and attitudes of Tennessee and Southern suffragists, exploring how the shadow of the Confederacy and values of the "Lost Cause" shaped the fight for full female enfranchisement. Narrated by Rosanne Cash, NPT's original documentary chronicles the events leading up to the turbulent, nail-biting showdown of August 1920.
Wednesday, March 24
12:00pm American Masters: Lorraine Hansberry
Explore the life and work of the A Raisin in the Sun playwright and activist who played a significant role in the civil rights movement. LaTanya Richardson Jackson narrates. Anika Noni Rose is the voice of Lorraine Hansberry.
Watch the show here:
Thursday, March 25
12:00pm Daring Women Doctors: Physicians in the 19th Century
Hidden in American history, all women's medical schools began to appear in the mid 19th century long before women had the right to vote or own property. This program highlights the intrepid, pioneering and diverse women who faced hostility and resistance in their pursuit of medical educations. This documentary examines how these women physicians greatly impacted their communities around the United States and internationally. It also demonstrates how women doctors exerted a long-lasting influence on the movement towards women's rights.
Program not available online, but you can watch a preview here:
1:00pm American Masters: Margaret Mitchell
Discover the Pulitzer Prize-winning author behind "Gone With the Wind." No ordinary writer - or woman - Margaret Mitchell was a charismatic force who challenged the stifling Southern social order and struggled with the changing role of women.
Watch the show here:
https://www.pbs.org/video/american-masters-margaret-mitchell-american-rebel/ (Passport Required)
Friday, March 26
12:00pm American Masters: Hedy Lamarr
Most people know Hedy Lamarr as an actress in the 1930s and 40s. She was regarded as the most beautiful woman in the world by fans, newspapers and magazines. What most people don’t know is she was also an ingenious technological engineer and inventor. Her pioneering work helped revolutionize modern communication, including WiFi, GPS and Bluetooth.
Watch the show here:
https://www.pbs.org/video/bombshell-the-hedy-lamarr-story-xxkyoj/ (Passport Required)
1:30pm Voices for Freedom: The Hyers Sisters’ Legacy
In the perilous 1870's and 80's, when night riders and lynching terrorized African Americans and black-face minstrels ridiculed them across the land, The Hyers Sisters (an African American touring-opera prodigies) stood up against this ridicule and oppressive imaging with unique musical works and thus
became Voices for Freedom. These works changed minds and hearts for 20 years while bringing the first black leading players to the mainstream stage, integrating casting for the first time, and creating the first American musicals. The Hyers influenced all Music Theater to come and yet remain unsung -- 'til now. This half-hour performance documentary celebrates their rich legacy in word and song, with internationally renowned artists and an inspiring story. Enactment, narration, a hip-hop commentator, and expert commentary reveal the social struggles of their day and shed light on our own. Opera star Denyce Graves-Montgomery hosts.
Watch the show here: